As Zerohedge says, "All you need to know in two easy words."
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Eurozone tottering (cont.)--updated

The concern is whether all this is too little, too late. It is no longer just a Greek problem, with Portugal and Spain both beginning to experience the same financial pressures afflicting Greece. Bailing out all three countries could be more than the IMF and EU together could afford--if the crisis stopped there. Promises of austerity have been heard from the Greek government before but it is not at all clear whether the Greek people will go along with them.
Every day of "plans and proposals"--rather than actual decisions--only deepens the crisis and leaves more opportunities for the circling financial vultures.
Update: Paul Krugman in Friday's New York Times: So is the euro itself in danger? In a word, yes. If European leaders don’t start acting much more forcefully, providing Greece with enough help to avoid the worst, a chain reaction that starts with a Greek default and ends up wreaking much wider havoc looks all too possible.
credit crisis,
financial crisis,
Great Recession,
Putting religion back to work (Sunday Reflections for May 2, 2010)

As I see it, religion in its most complete form serves five basic functions. I've given each of these a name beginning with the prefix "trans-", which means "across," "through," or "beyond," because religion at its best crosses boundaries and points to realities beyond the ordinary. Those five functions are:
1. Transmission: to impart to each generation a sense of identity through shared customs, rituals, stories, and historical continuity.
2. Translation: to help individuals interpret life events, acquire a sense of meaning and purpose, and understand their relationship to a larger whole (in both the social and cosmic senses).
3. Transaction: to create and sustain healthy communities and provide guidelines for moral behavior and ethical relationships.
4. Transformation: to foster maturation and ongoing growth, helping people to become more fulfilled and more complete.
5. Transcendence: to satisfy the longing to expand the perceived boundaries of the self, become more aware of the sacred aspect of life, and experience union with the ultimate ground of Being.
Goldberg’s five functions are reasonable and pretty easy to understand. His functional understanding of religion is one that I think a growing number of people accept (even if they might define those functions somewhat differently). I wonder though if we realize how different such an understanding is from that of previous generations. Being able to think about religion as Goldberg does is almost entirely the result of one development in the modern world. Namely, we now have religious choices, including the option of having no religion at all.
Until recently, most people were born into a religion, either via geography or family. It came with the territory or it came with your pedigree. The United States was the first major exception to this tradition. From the start, it was made up of immigrants from a variety of religious traditions. The country’s founders were also acutely aware of the chaos and suffering caused by religious strife in Europe. As a result, the relatively new idea of religious freedom conceived by European intellectuals was put into practice and built into the constitution of this new country in the New World.
Acceptance of religious freedom did not become a global phenomenon until after World War II. It was championed by Americans as part of a post-war new world order (e.g. FDR’s four freedoms). What really moved it forward, however, was the dramatic growth in communication and transportation.
The new burgeoning global economy was soon sending people in all directions. Suddenly countries and communities that had been identified with one religious tradition found themselves with significant minority populations following other traditions, sometimes to the point where everyone was a minority. Growing secularism also weakened religious ties and many people simply dropped religious affiliation from their identity altogether.
By focusing on beliefs, religions end up in a nearly unending state of conflict. Internal squabbles arise continually as there are always differences over interpretation of scriptures, doctrines, theology, ritual, etc. As the world has gotten smaller and more interconnected, there are also increasingly strident inter-religious rivalries as each one, at bottom, inevitably assumes it has the truth and the others are in error.

- Is it helping them establish a meaningful and positive identity?
- Is it helping them navigate and make sense of the challenges and stages of human life?
- Is it helping them understand their role in society and guiding them in their interactions with others?
- Is it helping them mature emotionally and socially, especially in learning to balance their personal ego needs with the needs of the community?
- And does it connect them with the wider world and give them a sense of meaning and place in the universe?
More and more people, however, see the religion they personally may follow and all the world’s religions as part of a larger whole, which includes the whole range of human experiences and endeavors. For them it is impossible not to realize how all religions have developed historically and influenced each other, sharing traditions, gods, stories, myths, rituals and scriptures. Recognizing this, to then ask which religion is “true” is not only impossible to determine but pointless.
Fundamentalists would see Goldberg’s perspective as blasphemy but he is, in fact, trying to preserve what he believes is the vital role religion plays in our world and in people’s lives. While born in antiquity, the world’s religions cannot remain anchored there. Much of the energy of contemporary fundamentalism comes from a fear and rejection of the extremes and imbalances of modern life. Such a response is often entirely justified but dragging the world back to religion’s ancient origins is not a workable solution.

Religion’s value and power is not in what it thinks it knows about past events, the origin or make-up of the universe, or about God (which even the Bible insists is ultimately unknowable). Rather, religion’s value is its insight into our hearts and minds, i.e. the human soul. It doesn’t take much awareness to realize that the souls of many individuals and indeed of the planet as a whole are hurting badly. Rather than contributing to that darkness, religion must rediscover how to be a guiding light leading to wholeness and life.
freedom of religion,
Philip Goldberg,
world religion
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Eurozone tottering--updated 2x
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European Central Bank HQ in Frankfurt |
Mostly the US has just been watching all this out of the corner of its eye. Obviously we have plenty on our own plate right now. Yet as Europe discovered when Lehman imploded, finance and credit today is all international. A credit earthquake in Europe will inevitably send a tsunami in our direction. (See Simon Johnson’s “Wake the President.”)
The global economy is still very fragile--much more so than most people realize. Government officials, especially here in the US, have done a good job of putting out the message: "We've turned the corner, the crisis is past." They know how crucial public confidence is in reviving economic activity. Nonetheless, the 2008 financial meltdown revealed real and fundamental problems in the global economy which have still gotten little attention. Most of what ailed the system then, still ails it now.
A credit crisis in Europe could well trigger the same kind of panic as happened in fall 2008. Again, the banks will demand government bailouts to prevent a complete financial meltdown. This time, though, most government tanks are close to empty. A second massive bailout is just not in the cards, which means the economic dominoes will fall however they want.

It’s easy to portray Germany as the bad guy in the current mess but it really is like the person trying to decide how to rescue a drowning man without himself getting pulled under. Germany has avoided many of the financial pitfalls other countries have fallen into and is still relatively healthy economically. It sees the Greek bailout, likely followed by bailouts of who knows how many other countries, as a continuation of the problem rather than a solution. It will not go in debt to finance these loans and German taxpayers have no interest in digging deeper to pay for them.
Like the US in 2008, Europe wants to push its problems down the road, hoping time will miraculously produce a solution. The US wants this to be a problem Europeans will solve by themselves. Meanwhile, many major banks have insured themselves against European sovereign defaults via the CDS market making their role in all this ever more suspicious. Thus once again for them it’s “heads we win, tails you lose.”
What tangled webs we weave.
Update: Paul Krugman wonders today whether events are making the unthinkable thinkable or even inevitable. Namely, it may well be that Greece's exit from the euro is around the corner, with others to follow. Carrying this out will be a huge mess but that's what we have already. Krugman's personal plan: "I think I’ll go hide under the table now."
Update 2: Paul better move over. Felix Salmon wants to join him.
financial crisis,
Great Recession,
Monday, April 26, 2010
Newspaper free-fall
Holy smokes! 24 of the top 25 circulation newspapers lost year-over-year readership in the past 6 months. Many of the percentage declines were double-digit. An across-the-board change of this magnitude in such a short time is simply astonishing. Obviously, newspaper subscriptions and newstand purchases are something people cut out in a recession. Unfortunately, this almost certainly means more newspapers disappearing or, at least, shrinking dramatically.
Great Recession,
Greece tottering (cont.)--updated 2x

Greece has been "promised" a bailout by the EU yet keeps getting mixed messages about what it needs to do to qualify for this aid. The economically healthiest EU member is Germany and it knows it will have to provide the the largest portion of any aid Greece receives. This notion has little popular support in Germany and local elections are coming up in a month. The other reality is that everyone knows Greece needs far more aid than the amounts that have been publicly discussed. Yet another reality is that after Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy and possibly other EU countries will also be coming hat-in-hand for financial help.
The story is starting to get old, waiting for some conclusion. As time goes on, the last chapter is looking increasingly ugly.
Update: Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism has a good piece on the topic today titled "Greece: Dead Man Walking?" There is also a good discussion in the commentary that follows. Increasingly the comparison being used is that Greece could very well be the EU's Lehman Brothers.
Tues 04/27: Standard & Poors downgraded Greek national debt to junk status today. It also lowered its rating on Portugal's debt two notches.
financial crisis,
Great Recession,
Friday, April 23, 2010
Doing better than we think (Sunday Reflections for April 25, 2010)

This quote from anthropologist Herbert C. Taylor was posted recently by a Facebook friend as a "thought for the day" (which I enjoy). It’s the kind of quote that will cause many to nod slowly and grimly. “Sad but true.” It sounds wise and somewhat profound. I’ve heard similar ideas before. I think it’s baloney.
We’re all aware of the dramatic improvements in quality of life brought by science and technology, though we often take them for granted. We also forget how recent most of these developments have been. We tend to think about whiz-bang electronic devices but advancements much more basic really show how our world has changed.

All this and more have improved the quality of life of people around the world. These improvements continue to spread and continue to grow in number and quality. We do not exaggerate in describing these changes in industry, agriculture, transportation, and communication as “revolutionary.” Professor Taylor’s quote above implies, however, that human relations have somehow lagged behind. Yet just a little reflection shows that the changes in human relationships have similarly upended our world.
Here again we take so much for granted. Our historical myopia has caused us to forget how people in the past treated and related to one another. Part of this may be the fault of Hollywood which is often our primary window into the past. Being entertainment, it’s not surprising that much of that past is highly romanticized. Movies and TV also get most of their material from the lives of history’s “rich and famous” while ordinary people get little screen time.

The notion that every human life is uniquely and inherently valuable would have been laughed at in most periods of human history. Today it is one of the primary standards for judging human relations. The story of how we came to this point is important and fascinating and needs to be told often. With seeds from the Bible, ancient Greece and elsewhere, the idea began to take hold in the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. Its origins involve theologians, philosophers, painters, writers, composers, politicians, merchants, and scientists. Crucial events include the Magna Carta, the Reformation, the American and French Revolutions, and the scientific and industrial revolutions.

There is no question that modern life is much more complicated and the modern world more dangerous in ways our ancient ancestors could not have imagined. That is the price of freedom and equality and the consequence of being on a journey still far from completion. Recognizing that, however, should not diminish our awareness of how primitive was our beginnings or our appreciation of how far human civilization has come. In short, we need to remember that the past was not all that great and the present is a whole lot better than we often realize.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
To whom much has been given: an update
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Wall Street bank heads testify before Congress |
The one individual named in the indictment is a GS VP named Fabrice Tourre or "Fab" as he sometimes calls himself, as in this email. The brains behind this particular deal, in his own words he perfectly describes the use of intellectual gifts to create a device for fraud and deception build on sheer greed:
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Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein |
Reportedly the Attorneys General of both New York and Connecticut are seriously considering criminal indictments against Wall Street bank executives. It's also assumed more action will be coming from the SEC and perhaps other Federal agencies. This is likely just the first chapter in what could be a very long saga--at least, let's hope so.
Update: LA Times columnist Michael Hiltzik has an excellent column on the SEC lawsuit against Goldman Sacks' and the financial chicanery that led to it. He zeroes in on the larger issue and why new federal financial regulation is essential to restore order in the world of TBTF banking:
The real issue isn't what Goldman knew or didn't know about the larger economy. The issue is that Wall Street's business model has become corrupted into one dependent on creating transactions that spin financial wheels to virtually no economic end, merely to generate fees and profits.
Fabrice Tourre,
financial crisis,
Goldman Sachs,
Wall Street
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
To whom much has been given (Sunday Reflections for April 18, 2010)

Apollo 13 was to have been the third human landing on the Moon. Instead, an oxygen tank rupture, two days after the April 11, 1970 launch, rendered the craft nearly inoperable as well as nearly unsustainable for its three-man crew. The story, told well in Howard’s movie, is one of calm ingenuity under immense pressure, by the ship’s crew and the Mission Control staff in Houston. With the absolute minimum of necessary power and barely avoiding fatal carbon monoxide poisoning, Apollo 13 did a single loop around the Moon and limped home to a Pacific splash down on April 17. Later NASA deemed the mission a “successful failure.”

My memory of that time has other events imprinted more vividly, however. In addition to being a rocky time for my family (on top of the usual early-adolescent angst), it was also a time of great upheaval for the country. A new president, Richard Nixon, had won election promising he had a plan to get the United States out of Vietnam. After a little over a year in office, that plan wasn’t going so well.

The following week on May 4, 4 students were killed and 9 injured by Ohio National Guardsmen at Kent State University. Some of the students were part of a crowd protesting the Cambodian operation but others were just bystanders. Almost immediately college campuses across the country were engulfed in protests and violence. Hundreds of campuses were closed as 4 million students went on strike.

To borrow NASA’s language, it’s hard not to view the events of May 1970 and everything leading up to them as a horrendously unsuccessful failure. Perhaps the most well-known chronicle of America’s Vietnam experience is David Halberstam’s 1972 The Best and the Brightest. His title, like Wolfe’s, highlights the unique abilities of the people involved in this national endeavor. His title, however, is highly ironic, of course.

A similar story is beginning to be told about the 2008 financial meltdown. Of course, the events of this saga are likely still being played out. It is already clear, however, that the precipitating causes of our current economic collapse have all over them the fingerprints of many of today’s “best and brightest.”

Interviewed about their flight, Apollo 13 commander Jim Lovell was asked if the crew was ever scared or thought of dying. Matter-of-factly he said no, they were just too busy carrying out their various tasks. And even if they had run out of things to do to save themselves, Lovell went on, they knew that, until the power or oxygen gave out, they would continue to send data and report their findings so that it could be figured out later what had gone wrong. That was their job.

As we enter graduation season, I hope commencement speakers will use this crisis as an opportunity to convey both the blessings and the responsibilities talent and opportunity carry, and warn against the irresponsibility and harm of selfishly misusing them. If they do, those speakers will certainly have no trouble providing living examples of people who have chosen each of those paths, and of the consequences of the choices they made.
Friday, April 09, 2010
Death throes or birth pangs? (Sunday Reflections for April 11, 2010)

Circulation for The Lutheran has certainly dropped. One thing that used to keep it up was the congregational subscription plan whereby churches, at reduced cost, could subscribe for all their member households. Many churches have dropped these to save money and most were not replaced by individual subscriptions.
As with the church in general, The Lutheran has had trouble figuring out its purpose or identity. Early in the ELCA’s life it was reporting regularly on the denomination’s struggles to get going. Many synodical bishops criticized all the “negative press” implying the magazine was somehow being disloyal. The message got through and ELCA news was reduced while more articles were devoted to congregational and personal life issues.
The result was a magazine that became increasingly bland and repetitive. I’ve heard it described as a Lutheran Guideposts or even Readers Digest. Many clergy I know say the only things they look at are the obituaries. The one section most often criticized is the Letters to the Editor. Ironically as the articles became “happier” these letters became angrier, sometimes vitriolic. Given the selection that was printed I can only imagine the tone of those left out.

Lehmann needn’t have worried. In his editorial he says that past reporting was “straightforward news” of “official actions” limited mostly to “he said, she said” accounts. For whatever reason, this almost exactly describes this issue’s story. Guy provides almost no personal analysis but rather strings together dozens of quotations of lay members, pastors and bishops. The views of proponents of the assembly action, opponents, as well as those on the fence are all reported.
The article has nothing surprising to report. Many are happy, many are sad and/or angry, and many are unsure what to make of the acceptance of gay clergy. A few congregations have voted to leave the ELCA and more may follow but thus far the numbers do not look significant. Contributions are down but the biggest cause for that may be the recession. Opposition is strongest in small town and rural congregations, especially those which were formerly ALC. Support is strongest in synods with predominantly urban and suburban memberships.

The changes of our demographics didn't begin with the Churchwide Assembly. We have been becoming a smaller church body in membership, increasingly older than the U.S. population, and a predominantly white denomination in an increasingly multiethnic and multicultural world. So in the larger context, what does it mean to be faithful, evangelical Lutherans in this changing context? Those questions will continue to be foremost.
While Hanson’s analysis is largely accurate it is also somewhat disingenuous. Many would argue that the decision to allow gay clergy was exactly the kind of step the church needs to make to be more relevant and connected to the contemporary world. The problem, of course, is that a lot of people don’t want to make that connection. What would it mean for the ELCA to draw in new, younger, more ethnically diverse members? How could it not mean making the ELCA a dramatically different church which very likely would alienate many of its current members?
This, of course, is exactly the dilemma faced by countless congregations of all Christian stripes, even those thought to have figured out how to be “relevant.” For years the Crystal Cathedral was seen as a model of a new way to do church. Started by Robert Schuler in the 1950s, his new essentially non-denominational church reached out to the young post-war families pouring into southern California. His stunning glass church seated thousands and came into the homes of millions more through its TV ministry.
It is now reported that the Crystal Cathedral is $55 million in debt, has a list of unpaid vendors as long as your arm, and was forced to cancel both its epic Christmas and Easter holiday shows (the Christmas show would have been its 30th anniversary). The church has been unable to find a successor for the now elderly Schuler. His son was kicked out as the church’s new pastor when his leadership was deemed inadequate. Yet this is surely a symptom of the larger question of what direction to take the church now that the demographic it appealed to originally has largely disappeared. What if the new people really don’t like all that glass?
Prior to the ELCA’s formation, and when he was still a skeptic of the proposal, the ALC’s last Bishop David Preus said Lutheranism’s biggest challenge was that “the boats have stopped coming.” By that he meant the biggest source of new American Lutherans had been immigration, and that was now over. Thirty years later American Lutheranism still has not figured out how to create a new identity and purpose for itself.
As much upheaval as last summer’s assembly action caused it may be only a start. If Lutheranism is going to have a future it may take many more such changes for the church to transform itself into something relevant and appealing to contemporary people. In other words, to quote Jesus (and only somewhat out of context), this may be only the beginning of the birth pangs. Whether the church has the commitment, energy, and the stomach for more such wrenching course changes only time will tell. Given how rapidly and dramatically our culture is changing, however, time may not be something we have much of.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Greece tottering--watch out below
Sigh. As the New York Times reports, Greece's financial state is deteriorating rapidly. Rates for its bonds are going through the roof which means it will soon be unable to finance its debt, i.e. it will be insolvent, busted, broke. Fellow EU members, led by Germany and France, have been hemming and hawing for months about how to get Greece out of its predicament. Vaguely worded yet dramatically announced plans have been put forth. Clearly the markets aren't buying them.
So why care about Greece? For the same reason we should have cared about Lehman Brothers. As small as it is Greece really does have the potential to be a domino. If it goes under attention will turn immediately to the other PIIGS: Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain which all have similar problems. In addition, much of Greece's debt has been financed by German and French banks which, like their American counterparts, are not in the best shape to begin with. No one knows for sure what the consequence of a Greek default would be but given the fragile state of the global economy no one wants to try it and find out.
Unfortunately there are no good options. The gist of the EU's message to Greece is that it needs to severely tighten its belt and reign in its spending. This would certainly mean a major shrinking of the Greek economy and real pain for its citizens. Greece may, and likely will, just say no. One piece I read says Greece should just pull out of the EU and the Euro, print up new drachmas, and let the lawyers figure it all out. Again, what Greece does could trigger a chain reaction spelling the end of the Euro itself--and that would really be a mess. A much deeper recession in Europe would be almost inevitable, with global repercussions. Stay tuned.
So why care about Greece? For the same reason we should have cared about Lehman Brothers. As small as it is Greece really does have the potential to be a domino. If it goes under attention will turn immediately to the other PIIGS: Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain which all have similar problems. In addition, much of Greece's debt has been financed by German and French banks which, like their American counterparts, are not in the best shape to begin with. No one knows for sure what the consequence of a Greek default would be but given the fragile state of the global economy no one wants to try it and find out.

Great Recession,
Monday, April 05, 2010
Fighting Jesus' battles (Sunday Reflections for April 4, 2010)
Then Jesus said to him, "Put your sword back into its place; for all who take the sword will perish by the sword. Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels?” (Matthew 26)
When I was a kid I loved to play war games, read about famous battles, and dress up like a soldier. In grade school, my neighborhood friends and I would have mock-battles through the yards on both sides of our street. These came to an end when suddenly everyone decided to fence in their back yards. (You don't think there was a connection between those two things, do you?)
After a pacifist period in high school, my warlike habits had a brief revival in college when I joined in pitched dart gun battles that broke out regularly in the dorm. Now I only play a very occasional computer war game but do still enjoy a good war movie (Patton is one of my favorites). In any case, I am certainly aware of the appeal pretend soldiering has for many people (admittely mostly male). I suppose it goes all the way back to the first chess set, if not earlier. A more recent expression which developed after my interest peaked (but which I suspect I would enjoy) is paintball.
It does happen unfortunately (and in a variety of ways) that people get fantasy and reality confused. Sometimes people’s play gets way too serious.
We’ve seen the adjective “Christian” added to a lot of things in recent years: Christian radio, Christian rock, Christian schools, Christian counseling, Christian aerobics. This week we got a new example: Christian militia.
Nine arrested members of the Hutaree militia are charged with conspiring to kill law enforcement officials. (“Hutaree” is a word the group made up to mean “Christian warrior.”) Allegedly militia members hoped their attacks would spark a popular uprising against the federal government. Their purpose was to fight the forces of the Antichrist which they believe are working to establish a “new world order.”
Their inspiration comes from an area of theology called eschatology (“study of last things”) and the book of Revelation, as well as other apocalyptic biblical books and passages. This subject has had a lot of popularity over the past forty years, as well as at various times throughout church history. Probably its most well known recent manifestation is the Left Behind book series by fundamentalists Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins.
Interest in “end times” theology always increases in time of social upheaval and anxiety. People who are suffering or are afraid of the future become a ready audience for preachers and writers who say God is about to intervene on their behalf. Some focus on an upcoming “strategic withdrawal” orchestrated by God’s angels (the so-called “rapture”) to rescue his people from danger. Others, like the Hutaree, hear a heavenly call to arms to fight the forces of Satan.
Leaders for such movements are not known for expertise in Bible and theology but rather for big egos, vivid imaginations, and talents for manipulation and propaganda. One unfortunate characteristic of Christians over the centuries has been a sense of entitlement and privilege. If we’re God’s chosen people (this thinking goes), then things ought to go our way. When they don’t and the world around us looks too awful, then God is just going to get rid of it—and we’re going to help Him do it. This is not unlike the child who can’t get the toy blocks to cooperate and so knocks the whole building down in frustration.
One of things that makes the Bible a great work is that it contains the whole range of thinking and feeling of the ancient people who were loyal to the God of Abraham and of Jesus. Within these very human words--but with real effort--one can hear that God speak. This certainly doesn’t mean, however, that every word the Bible contains is “God’s word” on this or that subject (if only it were that simple).
Revelation has some great passages but much of it is simply very, very strange. It is certainly not a road map for the end of history or for God’s shutting down the operation called planet Earth. As former evangelical Frank Schaeffer (writing on Huffington Post) bluntly reminds us, Revelation is
… a bizarre pastoral letter that was addressed to seven specific churches in Asia at the end of the first century by someone (maybe John or maybe not) who appears to have been far from well when he wrote it. In any case, the letter was not intended for use outside of its liturgical context, not to mention that it reads like Jesus on acid.
The story of Holy Week, of course, contains a great deal of violence. Its central events are Jesus’ arrest, sham trial, torture, and death by crucifixion. Jesus, however, never participates in the violence and rejects others’ use of violence to defend him. Rather he goes to the cross without resistance, to use the scriptures’ metaphor, like a lamb led to slaughter.
Confronted by the overwhelming evil of Rome, Jesus calls not on armies of angels but on faith, hope and love. “My kingdom is not of this world.” But his kingdom is in this world, manifested in the faithful lives of his followers. The gospels’ stories of Jesus’ resurrection are the early church’s bold proclamation that no earthly power can stop the power of God’s love. Living in that faith, Jesus’ disciples embrace hope rather than the anger and fear that so often tempt us to follow them on their path to despair and death. They join him in affirming the eternal goodness of life, God’s greatest gift. For that reason we proclaim, Christ the crucified one is risen.
When I was a kid I loved to play war games, read about famous battles, and dress up like a soldier. In grade school, my neighborhood friends and I would have mock-battles through the yards on both sides of our street. These came to an end when suddenly everyone decided to fence in their back yards. (You don't think there was a connection between those two things, do you?)
After a pacifist period in high school, my warlike habits had a brief revival in college when I joined in pitched dart gun battles that broke out regularly in the dorm. Now I only play a very occasional computer war game but do still enjoy a good war movie (Patton is one of my favorites). In any case, I am certainly aware of the appeal pretend soldiering has for many people (admittely mostly male). I suppose it goes all the way back to the first chess set, if not earlier. A more recent expression which developed after my interest peaked (but which I suspect I would enjoy) is paintball.
It does happen unfortunately (and in a variety of ways) that people get fantasy and reality confused. Sometimes people’s play gets way too serious.
We’ve seen the adjective “Christian” added to a lot of things in recent years: Christian radio, Christian rock, Christian schools, Christian counseling, Christian aerobics. This week we got a new example: Christian militia.
Nine arrested members of the Hutaree militia are charged with conspiring to kill law enforcement officials. (“Hutaree” is a word the group made up to mean “Christian warrior.”) Allegedly militia members hoped their attacks would spark a popular uprising against the federal government. Their purpose was to fight the forces of the Antichrist which they believe are working to establish a “new world order.”
Their inspiration comes from an area of theology called eschatology (“study of last things”) and the book of Revelation, as well as other apocalyptic biblical books and passages. This subject has had a lot of popularity over the past forty years, as well as at various times throughout church history. Probably its most well known recent manifestation is the Left Behind book series by fundamentalists Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins.
Interest in “end times” theology always increases in time of social upheaval and anxiety. People who are suffering or are afraid of the future become a ready audience for preachers and writers who say God is about to intervene on their behalf. Some focus on an upcoming “strategic withdrawal” orchestrated by God’s angels (the so-called “rapture”) to rescue his people from danger. Others, like the Hutaree, hear a heavenly call to arms to fight the forces of Satan.
Leaders for such movements are not known for expertise in Bible and theology but rather for big egos, vivid imaginations, and talents for manipulation and propaganda. One unfortunate characteristic of Christians over the centuries has been a sense of entitlement and privilege. If we’re God’s chosen people (this thinking goes), then things ought to go our way. When they don’t and the world around us looks too awful, then God is just going to get rid of it—and we’re going to help Him do it. This is not unlike the child who can’t get the toy blocks to cooperate and so knocks the whole building down in frustration.
One of things that makes the Bible a great work is that it contains the whole range of thinking and feeling of the ancient people who were loyal to the God of Abraham and of Jesus. Within these very human words--but with real effort--one can hear that God speak. This certainly doesn’t mean, however, that every word the Bible contains is “God’s word” on this or that subject (if only it were that simple).
Revelation has some great passages but much of it is simply very, very strange. It is certainly not a road map for the end of history or for God’s shutting down the operation called planet Earth. As former evangelical Frank Schaeffer (writing on Huffington Post) bluntly reminds us, Revelation is
… a bizarre pastoral letter that was addressed to seven specific churches in Asia at the end of the first century by someone (maybe John or maybe not) who appears to have been far from well when he wrote it. In any case, the letter was not intended for use outside of its liturgical context, not to mention that it reads like Jesus on acid.
The story of Holy Week, of course, contains a great deal of violence. Its central events are Jesus’ arrest, sham trial, torture, and death by crucifixion. Jesus, however, never participates in the violence and rejects others’ use of violence to defend him. Rather he goes to the cross without resistance, to use the scriptures’ metaphor, like a lamb led to slaughter.
Confronted by the overwhelming evil of Rome, Jesus calls not on armies of angels but on faith, hope and love. “My kingdom is not of this world.” But his kingdom is in this world, manifested in the faithful lives of his followers. The gospels’ stories of Jesus’ resurrection are the early church’s bold proclamation that no earthly power can stop the power of God’s love. Living in that faith, Jesus’ disciples embrace hope rather than the anger and fear that so often tempt us to follow them on their path to despair and death. They join him in affirming the eternal goodness of life, God’s greatest gift. For that reason we proclaim, Christ the crucified one is risen.
Frank Schaeffer,
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