Saturday, March 07, 2009

The Credit Crisis--in pictures!

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

No one fully understands the credit crisis, of course, but the basics of how we got here are pretty clear. This video is a great presentation of the chain of events that brough us to our current economic debacle. In particular, it demonstrates what the appeal of reckless mortgages was to investors, and the impact of the fatal combination of enormous amounts of dollars overseas (due to our trade deficit) with artificially low interest rates here in the US (due to the Fed's attempt to fuel our faltering economy). If you are a visual/graphical learner, this is especially for you.


Anonymous said...

That really is an extremely helpful video.

Doug Kings said...

That's been a pretty universal reaction. Being a "picture person" I thought it was very well done.